Thoughts Become Things

Do you believe this? I certainly do. I've seen it play out time and time again, even with the simplest of things. Sometimes, it shows up in the music I hear on the radio or some advice that someone shares with me. I've decided that I need to start emitting more positive thoughts so that I receive more positive things. It can be tricky because emotions are strong and complicated. I may be feeling pretty crappy and those perceptions may be sending out some serious negativity. Absolutely not what I need in my life. Where's this all coming from, you may ask? I'm in the thick of it with my hubby right now and I'm very unhappy about it. I think I totally brought it on myself by thoughts I had earlier in the week.

It's been a while since we've had an argument and things are going so smoothly. Jinxing myself is exactly what I did, at least, I believe that's what happened. Now, he's off and about with his friend and I don't know when he'll be home. Yep. Totally brought this on myself.

Meanwhile, the negative energy swarmed around my house and my eldest ended up grounded. This was not a coincidence. So, what am I doing about it? My initial reaction was to write this all out so that I'll remember for next time. I'm also going to do some mediating, praying and positive thinking. Have you ever read/watched The Secret? I'm re-watching this as well for a bit of a boost. This is a life that can be full and abundant. Enough with my pity-party, onto good thoughts.

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