If You Didn't Believe it Was Impossible, What Would You do?

It's the day before my 40th birthday and I've been meditating on and delving more into "the secret" or rather, the law of attraction. It has worked for me in the past and now, I'm ready to make it work for me all the time.

In watching the latest video, I've pulled out some of the more introspective thoughts that caught my attention. I've listed them below, so that I can come back and think on them regularly. They are as follows:

  • I know today is going to be a great day. There are no problems, only lessons.
  • Expectation is born of belief. 
  • Don't sell your dream out to someone else's opinion. 
  • If you're "Why" is big enough, the "How" will show up. 
  • We are controlled by our conditions. People who live lives of greatness are willing to be uncomfortable in the interest of growth. It's when you're uncomfortable that you're growing. 
  • Nervous excitement is, at the conscious level = worry; subconscious level = fear; the physical body=anxiety. The body is just an instrument of your mind. This is just your mind's way of telling you that you're about to grow. Fear is false evidence appearing real.
  • You have infinite potential.
  • In your day-to-day life, what really has purpose for you? That is the focus of your passion.
  • "A set back is a set-up for a comeback."
  • When there are great problems, there are great solutions in every one. Study them.
  • Step out and follow your purpose
  • Are you waiting for your ship to come in? Why not swim out and meet the ship.
  • Focus on how you can, rather than why you can't.
  • When we get an intuitive idea, don't ask if it's right or wrong, good or bad, should I or shouldn't I. The better question to ask is this: "If I acted on this idea, would it then move me in the direction of the model of perfection that I'm claiming I want in my life?" If it will, you've got to move.

After really thinking about what I want; my dreams, my desires, I think I've finally come up with what it is I truly want to do. It's sort of five-fold; I'd like to write for a living and focus my writing on travel (where to go, what to do, where to stay, options for couples, options for families, and so on). To do this (secondly), I would love the ability to travel nearly anywhere with all expenses paid and the comforts of home. I'm up for adventure and trying new things, so long as I can have my family by my side. Thirdly, my baking business is important as well. I had the pleasure of visiting someone's house yesterday after having a birthday lunch with my boss. They own a home bakery. The business is actually an extension of their house and it was completely fitted with commercial equipment. I was highly impressed and inspired. Fourthly, with these two focuses, I'd also like the freedom to spend lots of time with my family. Incorporating them into what I'm doing would be wonderful and allow us all to grow together. Fifth, my passion for animals has never died and I would still like to breed great Danes.

It's a lot and I know it would be all consuming, but I also know it would be so much fun and so worthwhile. There's a huge part of me that wants to share with others and I really feel that I can with all of these ventures. I'm throwing it out there and putting my thoughts on all of it. My goal is to really pay attention to what is put forth on my path; use the gift of discernment and know what it is I'm supposed to do. My journey begins.

1 comment

Unknown | July 1, 2016 at 8:27 AM

I don't know what year you wrote this, but I hope you're still pursuing your dreams...

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