Birthday...Rough Day

I have been up for hours. Literally. Hubby and I watched a movie last night till about 11:00pm, then talked till about 11:30pm. All the while, our neighbors above have been slamming things against their floor, laughing and screaming hysterically and doing good knows what. Hubby drifted off, but I remained awake until around 12:00am, then I too fell asleep. Their manic drugs must have worn off because everything went quiet then. Around 2:00am, I woke up to the insanity (more pills popped by chance?) and I haven't been able to fall back asleep since. It's a waking nightmare!

It's been like this since our previous neighbors moved out and the new, psychotic ones, moved in perhaps three or four months ago.  Hubby thinks that the adults leave and teenagers are left to supervise (or whatever) for hours at length. They sound like they are on something because it's erratic and crazy sounding for hours.

Our last apartment situation wasn't the best, but this has got to be the worst ever! I'll be checking our lease for an "out" clause, since we won't be able to mentally stand this for too much longer. Honestly, the light fixtures and doors shake and I don't think it will be too long before a leg appears through the ceiling (or worse). We definitely don't want their drama leaking into our lives.

We're having maintenance work performed on my daughter's room and I'm really hoping this stuff takes place while the staff are here. Sadly, it's rare that the rowdiness ever occurs during the daytime so, we again have no proof. We've complained with no improvements and hubby's car was keyed shortly after we did (he filed a report with the police department, just in case). I fear for our safety and sanity. It's made me a bundle of nerves. What should be a wonderful day for me will probably end up a day of constant sleep, since I got barely any last night.

Thankfully, the girls fell asleep before it got too bad and I'm hopeful that the deepness of it is what is keeping them restful. The dog has been up pacing and I'm sure he's just as nervous and on edge as I am. Hubby and I feel so helpless! I've been praying and asking for patience. I also hope karma kicks in, too. Any extra prayers would be appreciated! Happy birthday to me.

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