Bold for 2014

The new year has gotten off to a fairly good start. We spent the evening together as a family (a nice change from previous years). It was quiet and humble. They say that however you start the new year is how it will go throughout. I sort of didn't want quiet, but perhaps that's what we all need (especially with a teenager in the house).

My hope is to try and do more bold things this year. I've been dining out with a friend each month and our last lunch brought forth a realization; I don't have any thrilling stories. How boring! Even as a kid, I was a good girl. I wasn't sneaking out or getting into trouble. I didn't date an array of weirdos, so no stories there. I was even a calm sorority girl! I usually worked the door on Saturday nights for our parties, do a couple of line dances, then go to bed and be up for church the next day. No experimentation of any kind, unless a sip of liquor here and there in high school counts.

When I shared with my better half that I wanted to be more adventurous in 2014, he took it as an invitation to just go sexually crazy. (Not happening, dude). Perhaps in some ways, but not in the ways his depraved mind will go.

To start, I ordered a lace front with blue and have been sporting it since the end of December. It's really pretty and I've received so many compliments. I've got to figure out something worth "story telling" to do before the month ends. It is my birthday month, so I've got an excuse for the police, right? (just kidding. I'm still a good girl at heart. I won't ever take things too far).

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