Three Months Later and...

I met with my new doctor on Monday, May 22nd. Hubby and I had been arguing about some things but, before the drama, he had said he wanted to go to my appointment. We did end up there together and I was grateful (albeit sad at arriving in separate cars and at the circumstances all around). My doctor explained what was going on and what would be the best route for treatment. Hubby saw the benefits of the medication and his mind was put at ease. I think he's always worried about side effects and the like. Thankfully, one of Meformin's side effects is weight loss.

things are looking good! I had my follow-up appointment on Tuesday, August 22nd; however, let me turn back time a bit.

We left the appointment more informed and wiser, then drove to the park to talk. The talk went well and from there on, things were looking up. I picked up my prescription and began taking the meds the very next day. I had a thought later on, "What about wine?" We had a Vegas trip planned and I wasn't sure I'd be okay to indulge while away. The nurse confirmed my fears. No alcohol, at least until the initial three month review. Damn.

I had an initial drop in weight that I gathered was the result of the meds. Then, things began to stall. I knew that I couldn't just rely on the medication to make the changes. I decided that I had to really kick things into gear.

Three weeks after my appointment, the entire family went to the Diabetes 101 class offered by the local hospital. It was really well done and we learned a lot. It encouraged us to make changes as a whole, rather than it just being me all on my own. My youngest daughter has had a dramatic weight increase and I worried that she wasn't making the best choices. The class helped her with that as well.

Image result for hilton grand las vegas blvdThere were three more classes held during the summer (we missed the last one, due to attending War on the Catwalk for my eldest daughter's birthday) and tons of workouts and extra workouts. I also slashed my calories and changed up my portion sizes. I've pretty much been a low-carber for years, but I've been much more "in control" than in times past.

On vacation (mid-June) we opted for clear alcohol as our one and only libation on the trip (yes. I cheated). It was good but I was so loopy. After eating clean and working out for months, my body reacted strongly to the vodka. I decided I wouldn't have any more for a while.

My goal was to be at least 20 pounds under by my follow-up appointment. When I got on the scale, I was at a 17 pound loss. Yes, I know it isn't the first weigh-in-the-morning number and I was wearing clothes but, I was still bummed. Then, the nurse took my blood pressure and it was high. Crap! Hubby was with me and wasn't as engaged as the first time so, I continued to get more and more bummed. The icing on the cake? The doctor prescribed Lisinopril and a glucose meter. Awesome.

So, we leave the appointment and I go to fill my prescription. I hadn't eaten lunch, so I grabbed some and took it home. Lunch was at around 3:00pm so, when dinner time arrived, I didn't want any. I've begun stopping all food by 7:00pm so, that meant no dinner. Hubby was paying attention to my mood and brought me a cocktail (clear - vodka and sprite). It was just what I needed to drift off into a lovely sleep and end, in my mind, what was a miserable day.

The next morning, my weight had plummeted past the twenty pound loss mark. WTH?! At least it was nice to see on the scale. I used that good news to motivate my day and pull me out of my slump. Why not? I was in a totally different weight bracket and that's always good news.  Anyway, it happened to be the first day of school, so I reveled in being home alone with no one to bother me. I had contractors come to give me quotes on internal doors I need fixing but, other than that, it was a glorious, private day.

By the afternoon, I received a call from my doctor's office. They let me know that my A1C had plummeted, too; more than two points from where it was when I came in, in May! Basically, my numbers are in the norms and life is good. Before the nurse left, I inquired about wine (I miss that more than the liquor).

Image result for wine drinker clipart
"Yes! You can drink wine, just watch the carbs."

Can do! I'll have another appointment in 6 months (February) and, considering what's been happening, I'm very optimistic. It hasn't been easy. I've given up a lot and I have to pay very close attention to every thing I do. I think some people can manage things without documenting but, I tend to backslide if I don't. I use to track my food but, interestingly enough, I don't track my fitness. I found that when I do, I justify the drop in calorie intake by taking in more calories (one of my issues).

There are loads of other sites out there but I've used this one for years so, I'm comfortable with it. The workouts are still going strong. I try to get in extra activity whenever I can. The most eye-opening thing about all of this is that, instead of me making changes just for a trip or a dress or some event, now I'm doing this for my life. I want to be here for my kids and (Lord willing) my grand kids. I want to have a healthy, quality of life. I'm grateful that I've made these changes now while I'm still fairly young. It's also grand that I have a personal trainer living in my house to help with the changes, too. I couldn't have done any of this without his support.

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