Primary Numbers (7.17.13)

I didn't know how to title this post but I'm a huge fan of primary numbers and I thought, "Why not?" Primary numbers are unique;  they are natural numbers that have no positive dividers other than one and itself.  I kind of think of them as the Me, Myself and I numbers.  Good things tend to happen to me on days when all the numbers are prime. Not at all sure why, but I've taken note of it over the years. Even my birthday has all prime numbers!

Today is the first day of my very low calorie stint on my new round. It's been going okay so far, but I made an observation. The hormone must really be doing its work already. I binged like crazy and decided to step on the scale before bed. From Monday morning to last night, I had put on six pounds. I was sure I'd see that same weight this morning or higher but, lo and was only (only?) 202 pounds. I lost two pounds over night?! That's crazy! The last thing I had was my super fattening, Dairy Queen blizzard. Surely that would have appeared again today, right? I suppose it's the shock of it all. I've done this five other times and yet I still get blown away by how quickly it works. I have lots of hope for this round (the fifth round was such a wash). Sub-lingual just wasn't for me.

On other fronts, the girls have been enjoying their summer, despite the lack of camps this year. Last year, I had them doing so much because I just didn't want them sitting around bored at home. Our new complex has a pool and I know that's kept them pretty happy. They've also had lots of friends over to enjoy the pool with them.

In prepping for the eldest's birthday, she would like to include swimming again. I don't know how many parties will result after this one but we're happy to try to greet her teen years in a big way. She's talking about inviting the entire cheer team along with some of her close friends (but no worries; living in Utah, I know that only 10% of those invited will actually show, so we won't be out of a ton of money).

My pictures from our vacation are all downloaded and I really need to get on with reviewing the trip. I've enjoyed doing this over the years and have thought, "How cool would it be to have that as a job some day?" Samantha Brown is sort of my inspiration except, I'd have my family with me. Right now, I review on a travel site that my hubby and I swear-by. If the folks on their are grumpy about a place, then we just don't go. It's been a life-saver. The actual sites of some of these places will boast all sorts of great amenities, things to do and places to eat. Then, you get there and it's a slum dive in the middle of the hood with a McDonald's across the street. No. Our site has real people reviewing their real travel experiences. I appreciate what they share and decided to start sharing myself. So far, I've had such wonderful feedback and I'm happy to know that my comments are making a difference. We spend so much time planning and saving for trips, they should at least be fun and worthwhile.

I should probably get back to work but if you're interested, you can find me on Trip Advisor.

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