The Infamous Tickle

I didn't work out one single day last week. Due to numerous errands, I wasn't able to work out this week. My goal was to get in a workout today (brought my gym bag and everything). The tickle has appeared; the one that signals the start of a cold. We went swimming last night at the wave pool. Because I drank a ton of water, I was in and out going to the restroom. I'm kind of hoping that I only caught a chill and nothing more.

Hubby's response is to go to the gym and try to burn it out. When I do that, it only makes things worse (I have a lot of bronchial issues). So, the gym is out today. I'll go home and try to nurse myself back so that I don't have to cancel surger next week. As we all know, you can't go under the knife if you're sick.

Look what I found on the LiveStrong site:

Fibroid Weight Gain

Although uterine fibroids can be painless and cause no symptoms, discomfort is also common. Uterine fibroids can cause weight gain, especially in the abdomen. Large fibroids may cause enough abdominal swelling to be mistaken for pregnancy. Other symptoms associated with uterine fibroids include heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination and constipation.

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Just more confirmation that these things are hindering me in all kinds of ways. I'm planning to eat really well during recovery time and have decided to supplement myself with the spirulina and wheat grass sooner rather than later. If I can make my body heal faster with the super foods, I can get back to the fitness regime that much sooner.
The eldest has a dance competition this weekend. I will be hella glad when all this is over. Her last year and it just can't be over soon enough. She'll be participating in cheer clinics and camps this summer. Don't really mind doing the transporting for that. Any farther from home (for games and such) and it's the school's responsibility. Sweet!
The youngest is even more psyched about swim lessons. I better start looking to get her started before the classes fill up or I'll have one angry seven year old on my hands. Happy Thursday!

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